Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
A two hour motorcycle ride can unbalance your hearing. I wouldn't do any serious listening after a ride.
I am out of my league? I have probably owned more high end speakers in one year than you have in your life...... different story, different day.

The OP describes the bass as "thud, thud". He DOES mention quality, not only quantity.

I don't have a sub. Don't really need one.

I am not bashing the Treos, nor any other Vandersteen speaker. My commment could be applied to ANY high end speaker.

If anyone on this site is "wondering" about me, they shouldn't waste their time contacting you about it. I am available for such questions.

Wluke, I hope you find a speaker you like. If you have a better audition of the Treos and they are the one, I am happy. If that happens to be another model, still happy.

Good luck.

"07-19-15: Onhwy61
A two hour motorcycle ride can unbalance your hearing. I wouldn't do any serious listening after a ride."

Shouldn't be a problem if he has an audiophile helmet.
Try a used pair of 5's or 5a....Randy normally has a pair or two of those...mine came out of his house.
Seriously give Richard a call.he takes phone calls....spoke w him yesterday..
Mr, M. wife is from Wisc...Have we talked about that yet? Maybe, Too funny. thanks for the laugh

Shakey, I'll just go by your posts IRT your feelings on Vandy speakers. Just at I love them as do so many others (there's a reason they are so popular and have been for soooooo long).

Shakey, it's not always about how MANY you own, it's about picking the right ones from the get go. I am able to listen and go through the process and chose the ones I love and stay with them happily. Been doing that since the 60's (ouch, did I just say that? wow). I've never had a problem selling my older gear either, so I assume that my ear isn't that much different than most folks.

Shakey, the bass questions have been answered by both me, other posters as well as the most respected Vandy dealer. Richard himself could answer and you'd find a reason to question him based on your history of posts IRT Vandy speakers, lol....That's fine though as that's the reason we have the boards. Your comments are IRT VAndy's and not other high end speakers. Are 'other high end speakers' identical to the Treo's?? The Treo's are the only speakers we are discussing and the Vandy sub's are the only subs we are speaking of. They are totally different that most other speaker sub set ups and if the subs play99% of the music and the TReo's play 1%, but the systems sounds like a 50k set of speakers and gives a listener all they want, does it matter HOW it's done?

The fact remains that the OP (and most of us) do have a budget and that's why we all go through what we do as we can't afford to purchase a speaker that BETTER do everything. The bottom line is that if he wants all the great stuff the Treo does AND he is willing to pick up the subs for that integrate with them, then he'll most probably be blown away by the sound and be happy.

More importantly, Z needs to share the site for those audiophile helmets. Do they use various mikes to eliminate the rubble?