Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
Shaky, you are out of your league on this one. Either way, why would it matter to you? IF OP loved the Treo sound and wanted the subs to get all of what he is looking for, shouldn't you be supportive? Nearly everyone who is active in this hobby will tweek their systems to achieve greater response. Some tweeks cost much more than a sub or two. Do you know what the high pass filter does or how it works in the Vandy's? As Johnny was kind enough to explain to you, it doesn't work the same as your sub. Your dislike for anything Vandersteen (just look at your post history) is obvious to most of us who post. I've had more than a couple of folks email or PM me asking if I know who you are and why you jump into any Vandy discussion and dismiss them. Many times it's the same things that you bring up and they've already been explained to you, but you are a persistant poster, I'll give you credit there.

So I guess the only question for OP is the budget. Does he want Treo's with subs and get all that he's wanting or does he continue his quest. I just thank OP for letting us follow his journey. Sounds like his bike rides to listen to audio are also a fun part of his journey. W, please keep us informed as you have. You've taught me a lot about answering audio questions and how NOT to start answers and I thank you for that. You earn stars as a poster in my book. Thanks
Ct. Do I get any stars for switching to Vandersteen and living in Wisconsin? lol
A two hour motorcycle ride can unbalance your hearing. I wouldn't do any serious listening after a ride.
I am out of my league? I have probably owned more high end speakers in one year than you have in your life...... different story, different day.

The OP describes the bass as "thud, thud". He DOES mention quality, not only quantity.

I don't have a sub. Don't really need one.

I am not bashing the Treos, nor any other Vandersteen speaker. My commment could be applied to ANY high end speaker.

If anyone on this site is "wondering" about me, they shouldn't waste their time contacting you about it. I am available for such questions.

Wluke, I hope you find a speaker you like. If you have a better audition of the Treos and they are the one, I am happy. If that happens to be another model, still happy.

Good luck.

"07-19-15: Onhwy61
A two hour motorcycle ride can unbalance your hearing. I wouldn't do any serious listening after a ride."

Shouldn't be a problem if he has an audiophile helmet.