I owned a pair of the Vandersteen 2B speakers in 1983 and enjoyed them immensely for 15 years. It also took a well set up Linn LP-12 to really appreciate them. I own the new Meadowlark Osprey, but I sometimes miss my Vandies. They really grow on you as they do what they are designed to do, make music. I am not familiar with the Gershman's to give a comment. Oh, and yes, Vandersteen speakers are definitely considered "high-end",however they need associated high-end components to sound their best.
Vandy 2CE S or Gershman's Cameleon: High-End Spks?
For many months, I have seen much praise on this site for Vandersteen's 2CE Signatures. (also, many resale ads for them which makes one wonder.) They retail for $1549. So, can somebody tell what makes them so popular?? I gather from the discussions they far exceed their performance/cost ratio?? or are they just "average" across the board? ALSO,has anyone compared the Vandersteen's 2CE Sigs to the Gershman "Cameleons" which are $1799, and only a two way system?? I am curious which speaker would adapt to and perform better using hi-end electronics.