Vandy 2CE S or Gershman's Cameleon: High-End Spks?

For many months, I have seen much praise on this site for Vandersteen's 2CE Signatures. (also, many resale ads for them which makes one wonder.) They retail for $1549. So, can somebody tell what makes them so popular?? I gather from the discussions they far exceed their performance/cost ratio?? or are they just "average" across the board? ALSO,has anyone compared the Vandersteen's 2CE Sigs to the Gershman "Cameleons" which are $1799, and only a two way system?? I am curious which speaker would adapt to and perform better using hi-end electronics.

Showing 2 responses by sherod

I owned a pair of the Vandersteen 2B speakers in 1983 and enjoyed them immensely for 15 years. It also took a well set up Linn LP-12 to really appreciate them. I own the new Meadowlark Osprey, but I sometimes miss my Vandies. They really grow on you as they do what they are designed to do, make music. I am not familiar with the Gershman's to give a comment. Oh, and yes, Vandersteen speakers are definitely considered "high-end",however they need associated high-end components to sound their best.
Sunnyjim, I didn't think the Vandersteen 2B's that I had were very demanding. I had a modified Musical Concepts Hafler DH 200( 100w 8 ohms) and there was plenty of headroom for loud listening. If you are sincerely interested in the Vandies, continue searching the threads, including the two other sites, and to compare other user's notes to your own, especially those with your same electronics.The Vandersteens lean to the warm side, so I would think any neutral or slightly lean may be the best match with the Vandies. It has been years since I have had my Vandies,2B's, which have gone through many changes since this model, so I am not as reliable a source of info as Mr. Klein and Tubegroover. I too am in a similar situation as you as I live way out in the boonies with little to audition. Most of my system, including the Osprey were bought sight unheard. I'm happy, though. No regrets yet.