VAS (Steven Leung) cartridge repair/retipping service?

Any experience with or opinions about VAS/Steven Leung repair/retipping service?  Not for VAS cartridge.

Absolutely. I'm currently running an Accuphase AC2 which I purchased without a stylus on it off ebay. I had another re-tipper re-work that cartridge about 4-5 months ago with a Namiki boron cantilever/microridge stylus combination and it is a beautiful cartridge. Similar pedigree to your Monster-from the same (Zyx) designer. 

Have a little bit more into it than your Monster but not much. About $650, which is chump change for cartridges any more it seems. I don't feel any need to move further with cartridges on the stereo front but I may do some modifications to an AT 33 Mono that I have here in terms of putting a slightly more exotic stylus profile (and possibly cantilever) on it to try and supercharge it. 

Steve seems to have a stellar reputation; it is great for all of us that might want to have cartridge work done to have an option to go to him. 
@hdm Send me a few pictures of the AT33 Mono and I will see what I can do for it. Alternatively, if you are looking for major upgrade on the Mono side, I can build you a VAS Nova Mono.
@whart ,

My memory of the reviews on the Monster from 30 years ago was it's great tracking ability. Sounds like Steve kept it's former glory?
Thanks all for your responses and for sharing your experiences with Steve.  

Steve, we spoke briefly on the phone and I was left with the impression that you are knowledgeable and would be a terrific person to deal with.  A couple of things were still not clear to me from our conversation, so perhaps all here would be interested in further clarification:

One of the cartridges that we discussed in our conversation is my Monster SG2000 which needs a new stylus.  The original boron cantilever and suspension seem fine to me.  Would you be able to keep the original cantilever and attach a new micro-ridge profile stylus?  This would be my preference.  If a new cantilever is necessary, can you replace with a boron cantilever?  Same scenario for my Shelter 901 (different tip profile).

Thank you!
Whart and Slaw, the Monster cartridges were indeed great trackers.  Back in the day, they (especially the SG2000) were considered by some to be a particularly good match with the ET2 linear tracker. To this day it is one of my very favorites on that arm.