Velodyne DD's flying out of owners' houses

I've been watching the subwoofer listings for a couple months now, and notice alot of Velodyne DD-series units being listed. Normally when I see that I think poor price-performance ratio, but I've not seen anything critical of the DD series in print.

Sure, each seller typically lists a reason for selling that seems to indicate an issue other than unit performance, but the sheer number of units being listed makes me wonder about the price-performance characteristic. Anyone have thoughts to share on this?
Although I have never personally owned a Velodyne sub, I could not find one dealer who recommended one. Several dealers stated that Velodyne will not stand behind their products when things go South. Yet, I do see as you mentioned, that Velodyne seems to be all the rage for many Audiogoners, so there is a paradox for you. I personally would not buy a Velodyne based on my dealers recommendations.Hope this helps.
Gunbei has accurately noted that this is either a 'troll' thread or from someone of the 'if there are a lot of people selling it' it must not be very good.

1) DD series is not new - so there should be plenty of used inventory by now in the market.
2) Top rated in every review

My only advice - buy it!
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. No troll intended at all. I've done over 100 hours of research in the last couple months trying to find the "best" sub for my needs. I currently own a bottom-of-the-line Velodyne CT-120 (purchased originally for HT) and want to upgrade to something commensurate with my two-channel system (

The DD-10 or DD-12 looks like a solid contender based on the reviews, but as I mentioned, I get concerned when I see alot of a product on the market.

Gunbei, great perspective as usual. I love McCormack's modified stuff and believe it to be great bang for the buck, but there's always alot of the stock gear for sale here. I had not thought of that.

I do have a positive story with Velodyne service. Several years ago an RCA pin broke off and was stuck in one of the RCA input jacks. I took the sub back to circus city where I bought it. They shipped it to Velodyne and I had the unit back in a couple weeks.

Thanks for the thoughts on this, guys.
I think there's 2 factors:

1. Velodyne is apparently selling these by the bucketload, so there's bound to be a few showing up.

2. Subs are very difficult to integrate well in a 2 channel setup. With good full range speakers, an improperly placed and/or crossed over sub will do way more harm than good. The DD series MAY prevent sonic disaster with the integral room correction eq, but the directions have to be followed to a T. And then, of course, a really well-integrated sub is noticeable, but subtle, except in certain passages. So there's a lot of potential for disappointment, given the amount of $$$ people are spending on these things. I suspect that some people blame their particular sub and decide to try a different brand.

Velodynes IMHO are as good as subs get, with less than 1% distortion - which is phenomenal. REL is also possibility.

Keep in mind, when choosing an expensive, high-powered active sub with proprietary drivers and circuits, that service may be necessary someday - and you'll want the company to be around then.

And Velodyne's customer service is superb. I have called in and been connected directly to a chief engineer without begging. And I know of a couple of people who have sent old busted ULD's in for repair and had complete upgrades installed at no extra cost.

So I wouldn't worry too much about the classified listings.