Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?

The amp in my 2008 Velodyne DD15 is dead as a door nail. 

How good is this old marvel compared to today's offerings?

Worth investing another $500 (to have amp repaired, incl roundtrip shipping, tax, etc)? Or just use as passive sub?

How does it compete to modern subs, for example SBS SB-2000 or SB-3000 (both under $1k pre owned)?

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Not as earth shaking as my Dayton UM18-22 in 4 cuft sealed (driven by external plate amp from Elemental Design A7-450). But that is an 18" and a larger cabinet. Very 'tight' bass. Still need to do more listening, exploring (and get cable situation/connectors resolved; trying to maintain the existing large/small femal space, but don't have matching male ones; and need to make proper (big, now that I have seen 800-1000w peak (based on 'clipping' light on amp) going into the sub, that is quite some ampere flowing!). I expect the DEEP section to further improve with the Velodyne control software/hardware once the amp is back. 


Sounds about right. EQ and a large amp are very important with a for a small cabinet to go deep.