verdict on class D amps?

I saw a thread about seymour ice amps.... anyone have any experience with these compared to conventional amps? I was planning on picking up a used pair of bryston 7st or a single 14 st however for similar money (& power) the new ice 50001 is available. In car audio there it doesn't seem like class D is very good except for sub duty. Is the same true for home stuff? Presently I have a adcom GFA5500 which was going to get thrown on rear surrounds & I was going to use parasound HCA1500 on my speakers untill I can afford something newer/better for my old infinity kappa 8.1 speakers

Kijanki, I meant mid-range not mid-bass in my last response. Musta had a bit of brian ischemia........
Kijanki, do you happen to have the switching amps list as an Excel file to share with us? Thanks, Guido
No Guido. It wasn't my compilation to start with (I found it somewhere on internet) and it needs updating. It would be nice to enter updated list into Excel but I'm too lazy for that.

When I bought my Rowland 102 I knew only about Bel Canto and NuForce but this list was a shocker.