Very bright SC and IC with coherence in imaging, soundstaging and timing

I have a new speaker with a 2“ BMR driver that handles everything from 250hz to 20khz. Naturally it can’t produce high frequencies as present as the mids. It needs +3db from 10khz on. No, I don’t want to look for a new speaker because I love for all other qualities.

Is there a speaker cable / interconnect that brings more treble energy yet still does not mess with timing (coherent speed), imaging, fullness and soundstaging ?

Up to 500 usd used, 8-10ft, black or clear color, round cables (no ribbons), sturdy, no boutique manufacturers, no diy. I usually prefer solid core over litz cables.

For 40w tube amp power

Thank you!
If you must keep the speakers then sell the tube amp and go S.S.
Always brighter on top. 
I would not discount the suggestion made by @almarg .
Have you optimised the impedance between amp and speaker by trying both 4ohm and 8ohm taps? 

Can you tell us what amp you're using and tube type? A tube change is more likely to increase high frequency energy rather than changing cables; ie, NOS Sylvania tubes are known for their extended highs with great detail.

20 years ago I would have recommended Nordost cables, but I have not listened to any for the past 15+ years and assume that they have evolved over time.

Exposing the make/model of your tube amplifier would probably make for the best advise (aside from EQ) as small signal tubes used in gain stages can differ greatly as far as tonal balance goes.

I own a complete set of Nordost Heimdall II cables and like them very much, but at the suggestion of a friend I purchased a DH Labs Mirage USB for a second system. It's so good,  it has replaced the Heimdall USB in my main system.  I've done an extensive a/b test and they're very close, but the Mirage is a bit more lively.  I've since purchased a DH Labs D-110 AES/EBU cable with similar results.  So, now I'm curious about their XLR (Matrix Air) and Speakers cables(Q10)?  
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