Very Very Interesting NYC Venue and Meeting Place

I have just been sent a link by a friend of a New York Audio Equipment Venue to be found at - 28 Greene Street - NYC.

I have chose to put this on the Analog Topic as the Venue is surely to become a  mecca for those with a enthusiasm for all things Analog.

The owner has done lots of foot work to get to where he is and has a very secure place for how a sound is to be produced to meet his attraction, I say hats off to him for being Old School Adventurous.

The Link is a very good watch and will tell all about the Social Opportunities to be had.




Showing 2 responses by lewm

Manhattan used to be replete with audio salons that offered succor to the wandering audiophile, and at one time or another I was in all of them. They were open much more than 5 hours per week. I include Lyric HiFi, Harmony House, Singer, and a few others. This was during the 70s when I was a near penniless med student living in the Bronx. Then in the 80s and 90s those salons either disappeared or became “by appointment only”. I won’t forget walking into Lyric one day long after I’d graduated from med school (and where I had actually purchased speakers) only to be turned away for not having an appointment. Mike Kaye, a consummate gentleman, had sold the business, and it sorely missed his charm and kindness to neophytes, rich or poor.

For 5 hours on Saturdays in Soho. I hope they can pay the rent for that space while getting started.