Vibration Control for Lightweight Tube Components

I'm looking for suggestions to isolate a lightweight tube preamp from vibration and resonance. Not acoustic vibration, but physical vibration from the stereo rack. When I touch the shelf the preamp sits upon, the sound can be heard thru the speakers.

I am using a heavy furniture grade stereo rack for my components, all using Herbie's Tenderfeet for isolation, including my TT. The preamp only weighs 7 lbs. and has Herbie's tube dampers applied, but needs to be decoupled from the heavy wood shelf. I've tried the Tenderfeet and Vibrapods under the preamp, but neither provided isolation from vibration.

So, what are owners of lightweight tube preamps and amps using for vibration control? (there is a limited amount of space between the shelves).
Lowrider, I really don’t know the answer to that question in terms of  the dissipation of vibration stemming form floor to equipment via a rack. The bamboo platers have greater density and are thinner. The maple shelves I use are much thicker, though less dense. Those more knowledgable in mechanical impedance might shed a light on this. I believe we are asking, can a mechanical ‘ring’ be translated to an electrical one by the forces generating the mechanical one.

It is a good thing I only think of these things when on computer, not when listening to my system. Need to spend more time with system, not computer. 

Still enjoy this thread!

@bpoletti, I put Vibrapods back under the preamp, and it sounded warmer, but there was a loss of low-end detail. The Isonodes are superior.

@r_f_sayles, I appreciate your advice. Yes, the sound is new to me and I had a long listening session today. I don't mind the neutral timbre the bamboo brings to my system, but there is a characteristic that is a problem. CD's now have an "edge" in the higher frequencies; eg, cymbol crashes do not sound realistic.

 Trying some wood blocks under the chassis is a good idea. I can say for certain that the change in timbre is due to the wood and not the footers, because I previously tried the Isonodes on the pine shelf and they were completely transparent. In other words, the preamp on pine sounded warm and lush as usual, but with more detail than other footers.
Thanks adg101, some good ideas. The bamboo might be too stiff with 6 Moongels.
I'll also try them under the stock feet. They are an amazing invention; when I was playing drums, all we had was duct tape and a wad of paper towel on the skins.

And I have always placed Herbie's tube dampers at the upper third near the top of the plates.