Vienna acoustic morzart

I just picked up a pair of Vienna Acoustic Mozart for a relatively low price. Sub $500. I hooked it up to my mac ma6900 but it just don’t sound good. No upper end or it just distorted however the bass is there. Anyone out there have the same setup that could comment or should I just suck it up and pick up a pair of sonus faber Cremona M? Thx
I own both pair of speakers.   The Mozarts and Cremona M’s are really in 2 different leagues.   The Mozart’s are a great speaker for their price and although they don’t have the bass (or bass slam) as the SFs , they should sound pretty good.  Are you sure they aren’t damaged?   Btw. I not a fan of the Macintosh sound, so my natural inclination would be to try a different amp.  I’ve run my Mozart’s using Accuphase, Hegel, and now First Watt.   The accuphase made them sing the best (sorry Nelson)
Thanks that is good to know. Have you tried the Cremona M with a Mac and how does that sound?  I am looking for clear highs and mid. 
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