Well, I took the plunge to the Rogue monoblocks should be here in a week, We'll see.
Vincent monoblock vs Rogue 120/150 monos
I haven't seen any comments about Vincent product at all.
I'm looking to upgrade from my Rotel. I just got the Rogue Perseus tube preamp, I know matching with Rogue is good, but size and cost of Vincent (and look) is appealing. I'm driving magnepan 1.6's and I do hope to go to 3.6's after getting the electronics set and the system paid for!
I'm looking to upgrade from my Rotel. I just got the Rogue Perseus tube preamp, I know matching with Rogue is good, but size and cost of Vincent (and look) is appealing. I'm driving magnepan 1.6's and I do hope to go to 3.6's after getting the electronics set and the system paid for!
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