EMI it is. I can only hear the vibration using the stethoscope pressed against the plinth or top plate, not through the speakers. It is faint, not audible with naked ears (at least mine). It doesn't change with a reversal of the plug. What reduces it the most is damping the sheet metal cage on the underside of the table using a squash ball suitably squashed against the shelf.
The table was sold in Los Angeles, CA (it has an import stamp) and is actually part of a QL10. The QL-10 is three separate components: A TT-101 direct-drive turnable, a UA-7045 tonearm and a CL-P1 base board, combined and sold together. On the rear of the plinth is a metal plate showing 120V, 60hz, 23W. I am using a Technics EPA-100 that I had rebuilt by Jim Howard rather than the UA7045 at this time.
I am making inquiries on moving the AC power components into a separate box - I refer you to KAB Electro Acoustics, KAB PS-1200GX as an example of what I would like to do but can't see how I can, but I can have the transformer, etc. moved. And I will if it is reasonable. I am also going to order that TI shield. Thanks for that tip.
EMI it is. I can only hear the vibration using the stethoscope pressed against the plinth or top plate, not through the speakers. It is faint, not audible with naked ears (at least mine). It doesn't change with a reversal of the plug. What reduces it the most is damping the sheet metal cage on the underside of the table using a squash ball suitably squashed against the shelf.
The table was sold in Los Angeles, CA (it has an import stamp) and is actually part of a QL10. The QL-10 is three separate components: A TT-101 direct-drive turnable, a UA-7045 tonearm and a CL-P1 base board, combined and sold together. On the rear of the plinth is a metal plate showing 120V, 60hz, 23W. I am using a Technics EPA-100 that I had rebuilt by Jim Howard rather than the UA7045 at this time.
I am making inquiries on moving the AC power components into a separate box - I refer you to KAB Electro Acoustics, KAB PS-1200GX as an example of what I would like to do but can't see how I can, but I can have the transformer, etc. moved. And I will if it is reasonable. I am also going to order that TI shield. Thanks for that tip.