Banquo, Keep in mind that the recommended Redline viscosity, and this is only for the Kenwood L07D, is straight 20W, not a blend. So, if you can find it, maybe compare that to RP 20W. Or, compare Redline in the 5W-30 weight to the RP 5W-30 you already own. But maybe also wait to hear back from Doron, if he responds to my post.
A quart of any of these oils should last several human lifetimes (let alone TT lifetimes), even for a freak like me who has 5 TT's, but dammit I cannot find my quart of Redline 20W. I am motivated to try it out in the TT101 and maybe also the SP10 Mk3.
A quart of any of these oils should last several human lifetimes (let alone TT lifetimes), even for a freak like me who has 5 TT's, but dammit I cannot find my quart of Redline 20W. I am motivated to try it out in the TT101 and maybe also the SP10 Mk3.