Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?

I have just acquired a 32 year old JVC/Victor TT-101 DD turntable after having its lesser brother, the TT-81 for the last year.
This is one of the great DD designs made at a time when the giant Japanese electronics companies like Technics, Denon, JVC/Victor and Pioneer could pour millions of dollars into 'flagship' models to 'enhance' their lower range models which often sold in the millions.
Because of their complexity however.......if they are 'unobtanium'....and they often cannot be repaired.
I ordered the special Achromat 1200 which was designed for the lip on the Technics I suspect the underside is already tapered to accomodate this?
Will post photos when it arrives.
I've also got a glass mat on its way from Japan.
Apparently Victor produced one for their turntables and get this.....the instructions say that the pigskin mat is designed to go UNDER the glass mat...β“πŸ‘€
This would never have occurred to me...πŸ™ˆ
Of course I'll try it both ways....but I wonder if you've tried a suede mat UNDER your Achromat..❓
Worth a try....those Victor engineers knew their 'onions'....πŸ‘…πŸ‘
I also have the Victor pigskin mat that came with the TT-101
but have ever only used it on top.

Perhaps I need to get out more often.
Banquo, Keep in mind that the recommended Redline viscosity, and this is only for the Kenwood L07D, is straight 20W, not a blend. So, if you can find it, maybe compare that to RP 20W. Or, compare Redline in the 5W-30 weight to the RP 5W-30 you already own. But maybe also wait to hear back from Doron, if he responds to my post.

A quart of any of these oils should last several human lifetimes (let alone TT lifetimes), even for a freak like me who has 5 TT's, but dammit I cannot find my quart of Redline 20W. I am motivated to try it out in the TT101 and maybe also the SP10 Mk3.
One thing for certain is I don't know the first thing about motor oils. Here is what is available from Redline (from their website) as far as their race oils go:

20WT Race Oil (5W20)
30WT Race Oil (10W30)
40WT Race Oil (15W40)
50WT Race Oil (15W50)

And here is what RP offers in their XPR line (the line Doron recmmended to me):

XPR 3.1 0W-5
XPR 0W-10
XPR 5W-20
XPR 5W-30
XPR 10W-40
XPR 20W-50

As you can see, if I desire the same viscosity between brands, my 'choice' is limited.
I also have the Victor pigskin mat that came with the TT-101
but have ever only used it on top.
On top of what Totem❓
Perhaps I need to get out more often.
Hold your horses Totem......I might be able to save you the effort...😎
The Achromat 1200 arrived this morning sporting its rebated underside which fits nicely clear of the Victor edge lip.
Multiple comparisons ensued:-
1) Achromat on its own
2) Achromat plus Jico (thin) on top
3) Achromat plus Jico (thin) below
4) Achromat plus Victor Pigskin on top
5) Achromat plus Victor Pigskin below
Let me warn you....the Achromat is NOT a perfectly flat item and in all cases where it was used, the 'warp' created was obvious with the tonearm rising and falling noticeably....😫

All comparisons are against the bare Victor platter with the thin Jico mat....
1) With the Achromat on its own....the bass became less defined, the midrange slightly less transparent whilst the treble harmonics lost some of their 'shimmer' (and 'shimmer' is good πŸ˜œβ—οΈ).
2) With the Jico mat on top, a slight degrade to the bare Achromat.
3) With the Jico mat seemed surprisingly worse.
4) With the Victor pigskin on top..not much better than the Jico.
5) With the Victor mat below...not much difference to the bare Achromat.

I then, for reassurance....again compared the Victor pigskin on bare Victor platter with the thin Jico on bare Victor platter and it is very very close...πŸ‘…πŸ‘€
I would still give it (just) to the thin Jico...but could happily live with the Victor.

When I receive the glass platter will be interesting to repeat all these comparisons...😏