Vinyl Liquid Dispenser

What dispenser do people recommend to use to pour a vinyl cleaning solution onto the vinyl like in use with a VPI 16.5?

I can mix the solution in a large container but it is awkward to use that to pour a small amount for cleaning.
I don't mix my own preferring instead to use Record Research Super Vinyl Wash directly from the supplied bottle. I have tried all other popular concoctions over the years with the 16.5 and this by far is the BEST.

Skip the fussing around and begin using the best vinyl cleaning products available. Fellow agoners will support my enthusiasm on this.
Go to your local hardware store and get a small plastic bottle with a spout, sort of a large eye dropper bottle. This will allow you to "drip" the solution out onto your records.
I'm with Steve. RRL gives you a pour spout bottle cap that allows you to drip their fluid out on the record.

I've tried them all and agree that RRL Super Vinyl Wash is the best. There is no comparison.
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