Vinyl to DVD-A 24/96 vs. Redbook

Has anybody compared the sound of vinyl recorded on DVD at 24/96 (or higher) to the CD version of the same album?

Is there a place where DVD-As, burned from pristine vinyl, can be purchased?
Vegasears, do you know what analog to digital hardware is in the Mac that produces such excellent results? Just curious.
Don't know how it does it, It just does. Below is a link to apples spec page for the g-5.
Any comparison of the Mac G5's ADC with an outboard Apogee, Benchmark or similar quality products will readily show the deficiencies of the Apple's converters.

You are 100% right the Mac G-5 is a computer not a dedicated high end audio device.
You could write the files to DVD-R in DVD-V format
which supports 24/96 with a few different softwares
out there. Make's a "DAD" disk like Chesky's did for
a while.