Your front end should clearly show the advantage of vinyl.
I use the same preamp (different tt,cartridge,tonearm) and a sony scd777es and sony 222 for digital. Our speakers are close, as I use ML ReQuests. Our amps are cut from the same cloth, I use CJ monoblocks.
In almost every case the vinyl is clearly superior. (Some SACDs are superb) Air, separation of instruments, tonal color are more distinct in vinyl. It doesn't take 180 or 200g reissues to show a difference (Although many of them are superb). If you listen to rock, try any Beatles, csny, doors, or Jethro Tull cds to the vinyl. If YOU don't think there is a BIG difference, hell, sell your basis.
This is not only my take but most of the folks that listen to my system. I don't prod or induce a reaction but often get "thats a record" from many.
I am surprised by your findings, that Metronome must be one hell of a redbook player!
Have Fun!