Vinyl***What If***

Hypothetical here:
My new incoming Cayin integrated has a built in MM stage..IF I convinced myself I wanted to try vinyl & knowing absolutely nothing about set up,care etc..& do NOT like to constantly fiddle recommend me a complete,bare minimum setup...
Speakers are Harbeth M30.1 & cables are Nordost Lief Series Red Dawn...Thanks much..
Btw Freediver.

My previous post was not meant to discourage you from going forward just as a first hand experience from my perspective.

We would love to see you become a "vinyl junkie".

But I for one would also like to make sure you know fully the extent of the damage you may inflict upon yourself ... Lol.

Enjoy your music whatever you decide!
Highly recommend great performance TT/TA setup from George Merrill:  or for an upgrade:

George is a down to earth guy that is more than a wealth of analog information.
Boxer12-" billstevenson, I sound like you have a wonderful analog set up. Just wondering what $2K digital set up you have that equals or betters it?"
I apologize for missing your question earlier.  There is a lot of good stuff in this thread.  Anyway, my digital setup is principally a Sony HAP-Z1ES, which is really quite good. Like I said $2K all in.