Vinylistas and Tubers - One and the same?

I am curious to see if I am in the small minority of Goners who listen exclusively to vinyl (or who have some digital source they use only when the can't get the album on a vinyl new release or reasonably priced in NM condition) and use solid state amps and phono stage. My reasons are I've been building my vinyl collection for the past 40+years, interrupted by the 10-15 years when vinyl wasn't being produced or distributed much in the US from the late 80's until the early 2000's and think it sounds better than CDs - never tried hi rez DLs or streaming, and I don't want to deal with the cost, inconvenience, unreliability (compared to SS) or heat of tubes. 

Please let me know if this describes you and your reasons.

Also, interested in the logic of those who use tubes and listen to digital.

Don't really need to hear from the digital SSers or the vinyl tubers unless your reasons are not obvious (either wanting no noise and maximum selection or like the full sound of vinyl with mid range emphasis and tube mellowness and are willing to pay the price).

" Also, interested in the logic of those who use tubes and listen to digit"

My " logic", I prefer the sound of tube vs ss equipment, like that I can roll tubes to get a different flavor of things, there’s little offered on vinyl for the music genre I mostly prefer, have good digital gear and thoroughly enjoy my listening sessions. If there is some "logic" beyond that that needs to be employed please provide it
The closest thing to logic is since tubes and vinyl sound so clearly superior it is only logical to use them - IF - your priority is to enjoy the highest sound quality music.

If your highest priority is to hear lots of different music, or some particular music not on vinyl, or have it going in the background all day, or anything else really, then stream SS and keep telling yourself it sounds good enough. For in that case it probably does.
Do Triode designs have crossover distortion like a push pull Class-AB SS amp?
(And I would expect that some vinyilistas might also be proponents of Class-A SS amps.)
I have tubes in my Dac, my preamp, and my amp. The sum total of all that sounds fantastic though I am strictly streaming.
I love my vinyl and tubes. There is such a sense of realism about the combination. With that said, my digital system is a Grover Huffman modified Pioneer Elite DVD player that has me shaking my head in disbelief that red-book CDs can sound so analog-like. Who knew??
