1 month? Patience is a virtue. Speaking of Virtue, where is my Audition Powercord, Rick? I am tired of calling you and emailing you...
Yup, the ARC doesn't have an IEC thingy, but, as some of you know, I have a ps audio juicebar which I have a P2 cord attached from wall to bar. So, the ARC is still somewhat benefiting from the VD P2. You still get the best sound by connecting the cord straight into the component. The sound is smoother and less fatigueing, but the noise floor isn't lowered by not directly hooking up the VD cord to the amp.
I will look into maybe getting an iec thingy installed with a local arc dealer. btw, the arc component is an integrated amp built in 1997. I assumed all ARC amps built after 1990ish have detachable ac cords. I guess not for the integrated.
Oh, sherod, i am the 4am guy. I just wanted to place blame on gunbei cuz i am supposed to be in denial.