Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Well, I just ordered a P3 extension and splitter for my T.V. and cable box. Brett also said for those who have limited power outlets, they have a new power bar in the final stages of testing about ready for introduction. And for all you home theatre buffs, they have a new component video cable in the Audition series that according to Brett is unbelievable. He says the colors, shadows, and fine resolution are dramatically improved. I was just watching the 60's version of Cleopatra and was wanting to see Elizabeth Taylor's unique lavendar eyes in their full glory. I may have to order these component cables to do that. Also, just about everything is available in a cryo'd version. It adds about $85.00 to a P3 cord. And Brett also said for those not on with Paypal, they are now set up to take major credit cards.
How much is the P3 extension Sherod? I'm using a cryo'd P2 on my cdp and a P3 on my amp and have loved the results! I'm thinking of adding a P3 extension to my dvd and another P3 to my tube pre. Would there be a big difference when I replace a asylum cord on my pre with a P3? Thanks.
Bradz, they have a special now for a cryo'd P3, $75.00. The cryo'd extension is just $10.00 more. I think whatever version you order, the extension adds 10.00. If you like what you have now, you'll be just as pleased with the extension. Ask for Brett. He's Rick's order taker, a real nice guy. If you are short of outlets, they have a splitter(cryo'd, of course, for $25.00). I just ordered one of these as well.They are really pushing the cryo'd version on everything and I think it's the best way to go. For a nominal fee, they'll cryo any piece you previously ordered uncryo'd. Happy Listening.
I've been hoping they would come out with some type of power strip. As far as you know, is it kinda like the PS Audio Juice Bar? If it is, I could find a use for at least two of them.

Bradz, I'm glad the VD cords are working for you. Adding the VD extension cord to hardwired components sounds like a good idea too. I may follow your lead on that one.

Sherod, can you run two power bars from one splitter? Oh heck, I think I'll just give Rick and Brett a call. Thanks guys!
Good idea, Gunbei. Rick would be much better with the details. All I know is what Brett mentioned on the phone when I ordered another extension. He said the power strip was almost available, but didn't go into details with me. I don't really know much about the splitter either.I just ordered a cryo'd one for $25.00 and am going to connect my T.V. and cable box into it. I think Viggen had a talk with Rick a couple of weeks ago about the splitter.