Virtual Dynamics Revelation-2 speaker cables

Just wondering if anyone know how long the break in time for the VD Revelation-2 speaker cables since I just plugged them in the system 2 days ago and how much improvement should I expect? As they are new...they sound abit conjested and not very dynamic/detail. I also have the Revelation-2 XLR interconnects but they are broken in as demo cables.
Thanks in advance.
I agree - it takes a while. An idea is to leave your system on overnite - I found this a quick way to put hours on the cables. I have recently changed cables thoughout my entire system away from VD, but am keeping my Revelation bi-wire speaker cables because the synergy with the rest of the system is tremendous. In other words, you have very good speaker cables - be patient and you should be rewarded. Note that you will probably go through several "break-in" periods with these cables and they won't be fully broken in until probably 700-800 hours. Good luck.
Leaving the system on has to include playing music, or pink/brown/white noise constantly for that period. Play a CD(with a lot of bass content) on repeat, with your speakers close together, facing each other, and ONE with it's polarity reversed(flip the cable connection at the terminals). That will cancel most of the sound and keep you from going nuts over the monotony. Most of my cables/interconnects have gone through some strange changes during burn-in. Don't get worried or critical until they've got a couple hundred hours on them at least. The above process only applies to speaker cables, as the amp needn't be turned on for any of the interconnects to burn in.