VMPS QSO 626 Ribbon Versus Josephs/ Tylers

Well, after many fantastic suggestions (many unfortunately out of my range even on the used market), at my price point (< $2,000), room size (Med.), amplification (Hybrid 80W), and listening style (predominantly jazz, but covers the waterfront), I had settled on the following monitors:

• Joseph Audio RM7 si Sig MK II's (new)
• Tyler Linbrook Monitors (used)

Then a fellow audiophile suggested VMPS QSO 626
Ribbons. Does anyone have any experience with these, and how do they rate relative to the above. How would you rank the three relative to each other (1st/2nd/3rd). And lastly, recalling the price point, any last pitches for another brand i.e. Faber/ Greenmountain. Thank you so much, you input has been very helpful. - Kahana
Huh, very cool and interesting story on Shamrock... I'll dig further, thank you.

The VMPS ribbons are indeed VERY sweeeeeet. :-) Brian is a talented speaker builder with an incredible product. Lot's of guys can throw together a speaker these days with off the shelf components. However Brian goes a different route and uses a lot of ribbons in his stuff where the other guys tend to stick to more conventional drivers.

Each and every time I've had the opportunity to listen to Brian's VMPS products I have been impressed. Especially with the big stuff, as it is SOOOOOO good at low volumes, with the detail and depth, especially having good bass that typical 'monitor speakers' just don't have. But at concert level volumes the VMPS units will literally shake the foundation! The detail from the ribbons is incredible, and to combine it with the large woofers gives a rich full sound even when the speakers are at levels where you can have a conversation while listening.

That being said... The Linbrook Monitors are the best speaker of that design I've ever heard! If later you decide to go with the full Linbrook package you will be amazed at how good they are. We're talking world class here, in a league where many want to be, but few are. The key though with the full Linbrook package at the BARE MINIMUM is to bi-amp ant go with the external crossover.

I would say without a doubt that Ty is putting better components in his speakers throughout than any other builder out there for the money.

Don't however feel that all the "used" speakers are actually used when buying from Tyler Acoustics. Ty quite frequently will sell new speakers that have only been used as demos in the shop as used rather than offer 'sale' prices. It's more like when a new store opens and the have a "soft opening" before the Grand Opening. They'll have all the same products, but better sale prices just to get you to come in the door.

The Joseph's are pretty good speakers, and better known than both of the above. That however doesn't mean that they are better speakers. Actually Jeff uses some of the same raw speakers as Ty does. However, if he were to offer the exact same speaker, with all the same components, then you can BET that it'd have a retail price at LEAST twice (if not more) than Ty's product. Not only that, you would NEVER find them coming direct from the manufacturer as "used".

Glad to hear you have such high regard for the Linbrook. I just took delivery of a beautiful Linbrook system in natural cherry yesterday. Quite simply it's the most musical, liquid, refined speaker I've heard. My Norh mini-9.0 standmounts (using SS 9700 tweeter and Revelator mid/bass driver) sound etched and peaky by comparison.

Unfortunately the UPS gorillas managed to shake loose the crossover parts in one of the bass modules. So I can't tell how the full system will sound like until it's repaired. I contacted Ty and he was ultra responsive in advising me what to do. Simply superb aftersales support even though I'm not the original owner!

I was interested in VMPS ribbons but a friend whose ears I trust heard them and detected a 'metallic' coloration to vocals. So until I can listen to them myself I will withold judgement.

What amps do you think will go well with the Linbrooks? I'm currently using a modified Mesa Baron tube amp. Thanks.