Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?

I just got a new pair and I am wondering what amp would be best. I have a Cary SLP-98F1 as a pre and currently using a V12 to drive them. I have a BAT VK-200 as a spare and I am going to hook it up this week end, to see how it sounds with the SLP.
I originally heard the VR's driven by NuForce 9.02 mono's, they sounded fantastic. They were in a treated HT room, which is totally diferent than my space. Right now before break in they sound good but I get don't get close to the sound I heard in the demo room(of coarse I never do). I can only come out about 1 1/2 ft. from the front wall, so I'm pretty sure that is where I lose a lot of the spatiousness.
I am curious to see what other VR4jr owners are using and what they have heard elsewhere.
I used an Audio Research LS1 / Cary SLM-100 monoblock combo. I couldn't find anything wrong that combo!
Congrats on your new VR4jr's, they are fantastic music makers. You already have some great gear to go with them. Presently, I use a 55 watt tube integrated amp, the SQ-88, a very musical combo. Which I ended up buying as I liked that combo some much from my dealer. For SS listening,for a change of pace, a 250 watt Acurus amp and pre-amp. Both sound great, but a little different of course. More of a solid bottom end with the SS gear and just sweeter with the tubes. Do you biwire your speakers, you may find that you appreciate the difference. Also, of course playing with the rear tweeter control for it's best effect in your room. And perhaps if possible for serious listening times to move the speakers further into the room,or making some minor room changes in the decor. Please post on how you like the Bat compared too the Cary. Enjoy. Glen
I can't move them further out, I'm fairly close to them now. I am sitting approx 8 ft away already and am against the back wall.