Von schweikert out of business since Albert's passing?

I have tried and tried to contact Von schweikert via email and phone. I call numbers listed in my manual and they are no longer in service. I have left messages on other numbers that ring. Funny thing is years ago when I emailed Von schweikert he himself answered my questions and made an amp suggestion for me. Has anybody had recent contact with them or know the status or the magical phone number that gets answered?


As a very satisfied VSA customer of many years. I was concerned about the title of this thread and called them today to find out whats up. I talked extensively to Damon. He was as pleasant and helpful as always and apologetic the the ball was dropped on a few calls. There was a combination of getting ready for shows, putting out a brand new flagship speaker the VR 7 Ultra and Covid running through the staff over the past month or so. They receive many calls a day and are happy to spend as much time and attention with someone deciding which of their older speakers tp buy on the used market as someone looking to purchase any of VSA terrific new speakers from the least expensive on up. That is time consuming but highly personalized and professional service. Here is an update posted today from Damon


I used to own the VR4 Gen II speakers.  They were my box speaker baptism after initially owning Quad 63s for a few years.  I went looking for dynamic speakers that could sound boxless like the Quads, but had the dynamics and palpability of a box speaker.  The VR4s were the ticket.  Astounding soundstaging and imaging and dynamics.  I was a happy VR4 owner for many years. 

I will try calling or emailing the supplied email addresses. Know this you can apologize to the forum but I called 8 or ten different times. Mostly around 6 or 7 eastern time. I emailed 5 or 6 different times. It can be brushed off however. So I'll try again. Then will post my results. Yes, I too owned the vr4 gen 2. One great speaker. 

thanks for all the help. 

I think it's inexcusable for a company to simply opt to no longer answer their phones and hope people exhaust themselves by hunting around to find them on facebook to "message" them. Seems to be a trend in the restaurant business too. I don't purchase from companies that are impossible to reach - it clearly indicates what it'll be like when or if you have a problem later. 

I think it's inexcusable for a company to simply opt to no longer answer their phones and hope people exhaust themselves by hunting around to find them on facebook to "message" them. Seems to be a trend in the restaurant business too. I don't purchase from companies that are impossible to reach - it clearly indicates what it'll be like when or if you have a problem later.