Von Schweikert VR-4,Jr.

Was anyone else as impressed by these speakers at HE 2004 as I was? I thought their performance was stupendous, and can only wonder what the bigger models sound like.
I added sand to the bass chamber of my VR-2's and will be adding lead shot to the bass chamber of the 4jr's when I get them. I believe this to be mandatory. It made a significant difference to my VR2's.
I have a pair of the Jr's on loan. Truth be told, these things took me completely by surprise. Having owned the Kharma Midi Exquisites--which cost many, many multiples of the Jr's asking price--I was shocked to discover that the Jr's outperformed the Kharmas in terms of dynamics and overall musicality (though the Kharmas were, not surprisingly, more refined). I'm not sure how Albert is able to pack this much performance into such a moderately sized, moderately priced (by high-end standards) package--outsourcing to China surely has more than a little to do with it--but he's done it. I'm on the list for a pair of the VR-9s, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the Jrs. while I wait. Frankly, part of me will be sad to see them go. They're that good. As many have stated here, adding lead shot to the bass cabinet improves performance considerably.
I ditto Hoopers response. I have the VR-4jr on loan too. These little guys are just super.
Was at the NY Hilton a few weeks back late Saturday afternoon.I was in every room that had serious audio setups and no room made me wish my system sounded like that.

When I went into the Von Schweikert room after standing in a long line for a worthwhile wait,I was extremely impressed.To me the JRs just did it all right.

I bought the VR-4III SEs back in Feb. and the JRs were the only speakers that captivated me at the show.

The SEs do it all a little better and not that you feel something is missing over the JRs just an added edge.Just my 2 cents.
I didn't like the show demo anymore than TRELJA in terms of style, but thought the speaker was superb. The speaker played music not geopolitical diatribes. Fortunately a local dealer has them, allowing me to listen for good long while with less expensive front end and amplification equipment. In addition to any music I wanted. I still liked them to the point were I would seriously consider upgrading my San Diego made VR2s because they had much cleaner sound detail and dynamics. For the price an even more captivating speaker was the new Hyperion which we said was the show's biggest surprise.