I have a pair of the Jr's on loan. Truth be told, these things took me completely by surprise. Having owned the Kharma Midi Exquisites--which cost many, many multiples of the Jr's asking price--I was shocked to discover that the Jr's outperformed the Kharmas in terms of dynamics and overall musicality (though the Kharmas were, not surprisingly, more refined). I'm not sure how Albert is able to pack this much performance into such a moderately sized, moderately priced (by high-end standards) package--outsourcing to China surely has more than a little to do with it--but he's done it. I'm on the list for a pair of the VR-9s, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the Jrs. while I wait. Frankly, part of me will be sad to see them go. They're that good. As many have stated here, adding lead shot to the bass cabinet improves performance considerably.