Von Schweikerts VR4 JR's and SR's?

I have the VR2's very nice sounding speaker but like everyone else we all look to upgrade. I love Von Schweikerts line of products personally. I've been looking at the VR4 jr's and the sr's besides the price difference which the juniors cost 5k and the sr cost 12k. To me both speakers look the same but sonically is there a REAL big difference?

For those that have owned the VR4's I would love to hear from and I am learning so please dont flame me on my questions.

In terms of a sub, I run the Sr's both with and without a decent sub, and the woofers in the Sr's handle the bass exceptionally well. By contrast the sub sounds much less precise and dynamic, so when I run it I put it on crossing at 50HZ and very quietly. I find the sub useful only with some low organ and about three rock songs. The rest of the time the bass sounds better using only the SR's.
With a 20X40 room it would be worth considering the Sr if you want to listen at fairly loud levels occasionally - that is a big room! YMMV but I hate any sense of "shout" as speakers are driven hard and the SR's will fill the space without breaking a sweat. Guess you can always start with the jr's and if they totally please - stay there, else go to the SR's. Hope this helps.

If your gonna run the JRs or SRs with tube amp, the bass module might require more power. They will sound ok, but you might not get the control and slam as a nice powerful SS amp for the bass module. But as always, try it out and see for yourself first. Good luck.

To address the issue of the VR-4JRs and subs, I already had a Hsu VTR-3R mark II when I added the VR4JRs (mark I). I love the speakers and could afford them because the Mark II were released. I run the VR-4 JRs at full frequency and let the sub run using its own crossover below 30 Hz. It adds a certain fullness to the room but I have be careful to keep it at a very low setting, such that I don't "hear" it until I turn it off. The speakers don't need it since I can measure them to about 30 Hz (-2 dB) in my room, but it is nice sometimes. The sub goes to 18 Hz (-2 dB) I think Albert gives you what you pay for in speakers, but I only have the VR-1s and the VR-4JRs. Have fun!
I've heard that the Dalis Helicon 400/800 are a bit better than the VSA line but honestly I have never auditioned them. I will tweak the speakers with a sub for sure then I will see what will happen

Thanks to all!
For what it is worth. I auditioned the Dali's and VSA Jr and Sr at same dealer. He and I both like the VSA better