Vonschweikert VR4 GENIII?

Any though about this speaker pair? I can't listen for myself cuz there's no dealer around here carrying them. One thing I know is that it's received great review. What y'all think about this $4k speaker pair? Are they better than those in the same price range like B&W, Sonus Faber, Maggie, Aerial Acoustic, Thiel, Revel, etc... Many thanks.

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I was impressed enough with this speaker to order a set and this is the first major retail purchase I have made in 10 years. I just can't bring myself to pay retail for what I believe to be overpriced gear & have bought used/demo for a long time. I made an exception when I auditioned these speakers. The price went up to $4800.00 Nov.1 & I beat the price increase by 2 days. There must have been quite a rush at the last minute because I'm still waiting. Definitely looking forwrd to getting them hooked into the system.I was impressed enough with this speaker to order a set and this is the first major retail purchase I have made in 10 years. I just can't bring myself to pay retail for what I believe to be overpriced gear & have bought used/demo for a long time. I made an exception when I auditioned these speakers. The price went up to $4800.00 Nov.1 & I beat the price increase by 2 days. There must have been quite a rush at the last minute because I'm still waiting. Definitely looking forward to getting them hooked into the system.