Vonschweikert VR4 GENIII?

Any though about this speaker pair? I can't listen for myself cuz there's no dealer around here carrying them. One thing I know is that it's received great review. What y'all think about this $4k speaker pair? Are they better than those in the same price range like B&W, Sonus Faber, Maggie, Aerial Acoustic, Thiel, Revel, etc... Many thanks.
Go for it.The difference is obvious,and the gain is overall quality of transparency is tremendous.For 2500.00 it is a steal.
Get a pair of used VR4's for about 12 or 13 hundred dollars
and have the $2,500. mods done to them and have 90% of the 5's with warranty for $3,700.
I agree with the before-the-price-increase theory. I ordered mine 10/26 and am waiting...Interestingly, the VS website does not list any price increase...it would have been nice to feel like I saved $800.