VPI Aries 2 platter is creating hum

My new Aries 2 platter is creating hum. Thought it was a grounding issue to begin with. But, when all efforts failed to eliminate it, I re-installed my original platter once again. Dead quiet. Has anyone else experienced this? Curious as to the cause of this problem.
The original platter is a mixture of stainless, acrylic, cork and lead.

I trust that the new acrylic platter and bearing are better sonically, but think that the white-ish acrylic destroys the look of the table (the new platter looks like the afterthought that it is).
Byfo - Haven't got your email yet. But anyway the answer is that I bought & installed the platter, ring clamp, and a new cartridge all at the same time. Ended up with a better sound but I can't estimate the effect of individual components.
I don't know what would cause hum under those circumstances. Please update if you solve the problem--inquiring minds, etc.

Tried installing platter again. Hum still present. Played around with grounding and foil once again but didn't solve problem. Re-installed my old platter ( the noise floor is absolutely quiet) and will leave. I'm not willing to move components to solve this problem. The sound is good enough.