vpi classic

First hello everyone ,I've been away awhile .

      I'm interested in upgrading my cartridge a Benz micro mc, my system is a moderate system by gon standard.
VPI classic jmw memorial arm ,Acoustic Zen adagios, Sunfire subs ,Nu Vista integrated, Musical Fidelity phono amp mc or mc with multiple mc settings . Acoustic Zen cables and speaker cables in a  acoustically treated dedicated room (16'x24' x10') .with more digital gear, but  this is my analog section.

      I am willing to spend up to say $1,500 ,but much to many here's discomfort I would spend up to say grand on a used cartridge from a solid gon member . I know so many here swap them like tic tacs . I know the routine of fears with buying used , that said I have made some great scores here. I'm looking for weight compatabilty ,sound and overall performance for the money.

Thank you all

I'm interested in your thoughts on the phono stage recommendation?
I am a fan of used here so lets say 1200-1500 used ? I have heard great things about the bel canto ? I know its not tube ,I used a canto d/a and love it . oneday  I will go VAC , I almost have twice ,but I have a car and motorcycle fetish too oh and guitars lol

The EAT E-Glo retails for $6995 with a external full chassis power supply. This phonostage is their flagship model. They also make two other phonostage, starting at $1495 and $2995 with a external power supply option.


The flagship is out of my wheelhouse honestly. The cheaper models are more doable . Have you seen the bel canto phono 3 with the 12 v external supply ? thats around $2500.00. Honestly I would like to buy a used section from a gon member who rotates often . I think I could get a 4k section for $1500-2000 pretty easy .
I understand the canto is not tube.Have you had the chance to audition or have any experience with the EAT  Jo number 5 cartridge ? it seems like quite the cartridge .