VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??

I was all ready to order a VPI Classic turntable from Music Direct, but then last night I read a comment on audiokarma that the Denon 103 cartridge cannot be mounted on the JMW 10.5i arm because the pins interfere with the back of the headshell or some such thing---does anyone know anything about this? I'm having a hard time believing this, but I want to be sure. I own a Denon 103R, currently mounted on a Rega P25. I'm going to give Music Direct a call and see what they say, but any info from you guys is appreciated, thanks.

Showing 3 responses by tfkaudio

I don't see any reason why you couldn't, but a super-low compliance cartridge on a unipivot arm? That doesn't seem like such a good idea, unless you like to watch your tonearm rock back and forth like a boat at high tide.

Stanwal, does it work well for you?

I suppose that damping fluid would help, but if you spent all that money for a VPI Classic, you should get a cartridge that matches up with the JMW-10.5i.

I've never tried it, so keep that in mind. It might be fine.

Again, I don't have first-hand experience with certain cartridges, such as Denon's or Shelter's, which i ASSUME would be problematic based on specs alone. I think the experience of Br3098 supports my concern about the Denon. I have stuck to cartridges that have been well known good matches to the VPI arm. I have run Dynavector, Grado, Audio Technica, Lyra, and Benz Micro cartridges all with great success. The Benz L2 Wood body that I use now is definitely my favorite of the bunch.

I think you've made a wise decision. While you've got your wallet out... I would get a good digital stylus tracking force gauge and a mint lp protractor so you can be confident, should the new 17D3 die in a year, that its demise was not due to poor mounting/alignment.

