VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus

Both of these turntables are priced very simular. Who out there has compared the two turntables? Which one did you like and why?

"Though, really, the Amadeus is quite a good value as it is."
It really is IMHO. I am sure the Dynavector XX-2's are great w/ the Amadeus, as is my EMT-Tsd-15. Decca London SG sounds interesting too.

If it were my choice, it would be which model I could comfortably afford, though you should get better sound with the Amadeus. You all sold Drubin, perhaps there should be a commission.
Sure thing, I'll have the dealer PayPal 10% to...who?

Do any dealers discount these tables?
Comparing the WTA to the Scout is not a fair comparison. The Classic beats the Scout by some margin. I've owned both VPIs
Has the OP purchased one? If so, which one and why? I'm in the same position now.
I recently replaced a Nott Spacedeck with an Amadeus. I thought about going with a new Aries, but I am glad I went this way instead.

The Amadeus is so much better than the Nott, it's almost laughable.
