VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus

Both of these turntables are priced very simular. Who out there has compared the two turntables? Which one did you like and why?

Has the OP purchased one? If so, which one and why? I'm in the same position now.
I recently replaced a Nott Spacedeck with an Amadeus. I thought about going with a new Aries, but I am glad I went this way instead.

The Amadeus is so much better than the Nott, it's almost laughable.

Shakeydeal, are you using the Benz L2 with your WTA? I ask because I have an L2 and have been thinking about the WTA but wondered how well the two would pair up.
In his white paper on tracking angle error, does Mr. Firebaugh explain why he does not provide for end-user adjustment of stylus overhang? It would be a simple matter to provide slots in the headshell, rather than fixed position holes. All that he says about tracking angle error may be true, but it still does not explain why he seems not to trust the end-user. Further, there is another school of thought on the importance of tracking angle error. (I personally have no opinion; I am merely arguing from principle.) Moreover, if you say that this or that cartridge sounds "great" on the WT tonearm, this tells us nothing about the effect of tracking angle error, good or bad, on what you are hearing. I know from experience trying to help a friend to mount a Dynavector Karat on a WT Reference tonearm that the stylus overhang was way off, because the Karat has an unusually short cantilever. Ditto for the Decca mentioned above that sounds "great" on the Amadeus.