VPI HW 19 - replacing springs with pucks or cones

I have a VPI HW 19 turntable and have read in several places about a modification whereby the suspension springs are removed and replaced with sorbothane pucks or cones. Does anyone have experience with this modification? Opinions as to benefits vs. detriments? Most importantly, what size/brand/type of puck or cone works best? Thanks.
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I don't agree with Mark's comments about sand. A sandbox under my VPI provided me with one of the biggest improvements in image solidity, quietness, blackness of background, etc. at one of the cheapest prices I've ever paid.
Hello Opus,
As I said, these statements I "read" came from other folks, and were not my personal findings.

You probably will agree though, that what tweak-mod might work very well with one Table, may actually fall on it's face with another.
Sorry for not clarifying better, and also apologies to the original poster taking this off on another tangent, as he's asking about what's suggested as best to place between Plinth-Base on his HW-19 Table. Mark
I used to own a VPI mk4 TT. D J Casser cut the bottom half (at the tip) off 4 BDR cones for me. I set these on top of the springs and placed the plinth on the flat side of the cones. It was a big improvement for me. The sound was less warm with a big increase in dynamics giving a more "live" sound to the music.
Thanks to all who have responded so far. Based on Mark's response, I contacted VPI's on line help. Apparently they stopped selling pucks. The answer I received was that customers have reported that cut-up portions of the styrofoam "Noodle" pool toy sound fantastic. [I then (jokingly) asked what color sounded best.] At $3 per "Noodle," BDR products seem ridiculous. I'll give it a try, or perhaps some wood pucks as Dgarretson suggested. Thanks also to Opus for the sandbox suggestion. I've been looking into the Bright Star Big Rock and may give one a try as well. (Apparently, the tweaking never ends.)