VPI Prime or Scout or ???

Hi all,

I’m new to record players. I’ve always been a digital music person. That said, I’ve got s nice setup now and am looking for a record player for occasional records. I won’t be too serious about it and digital will remain my main source.

i know with some of the higher end players there is a learning curve but was hoping for something not too difficult to learn.

Being from NJ, I was pretty interested in VPI. I’m not sure I quite understand the differences between the Prime and Prime Scout. The Prime would probably be near the top of my budget. Also, I have no idea which cartridge to get. 

For context, I’ll mostly be listening to vintage jazz and rock. The turntable would feed into the Phono stage of my Mytek Manhattan. Any suggestions welcome! There is a pretty good deal on a Prime Scout I’m looking at so that’s why I figured I’d ask the experienced people here.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest
I have the exact same setup as @gillatgh from Upscale Audio. Only addition after a year was an extra arm with a Ortofon quintet mono cartridge. If you purchase from UA, they'll give you a 15% discount on the cartridge and set it up for you. You won't be disappointed, it's an awesome setup! 
Agree with bigbobbydmoney. The scout is a great value table but for 700 dollars more you get a super scout from Kevin Deal at upscale audio with about 3400 of upgrades. The vta on the fly base a jmw10 tonearm and the 20 pound classic platter as well as the stainless steel and delrin clamp. Add an ortofon quintet bronze and you are at 3600 for a world class table. Probably the best deal in audio today.
AMEN to @1graber2 .  From personal experience, VPI is VERY good to work with and I live 1,000 miles away.  They do want customers to work with local dealers, but will make an "accommodation" to make sure customer's needs are met.
I recently bought the Prime signature from Upscale.  Still getting to know it.  there is a great video to help setup the prime turntables.  No problem!
@Pauleladue I just picked up the prime signature as well. What are your impressions?