VPI Scout ... move to Scoutmaster or even further

Now that I'm convinced playing vinyl is the most rewarding listening, I'm thinking of more performance from my set-up. I bought a Scout with a 20x H Dynevector cart. mated to a Anthem Pre1P and have enjoyed that for awhile now. I'm thinking of possibly moving to a Scoutmaster but have been recommended to just step-up to a better table altogether, a Nottingham Spacedec, keeping my other gear intact. The thinking is at this stage the table is the critical link and although the Scout a great table at its price, the upgraded ones are essentially more of the same. Moving to a even higher end table gives a better overall design for essentially the same cost. This seems to make sense but am wondering what you all think. Initially I was a bit hesitant at all buying such a good table to start as once the thrill wears off, it might sit and collect dust. After a year and a half, now I know that isn't the case. Those records spin continuously where before the shinny discs never really did.

Showing 1 response by riffer

I have The Scout + 20XH, as you do.

I think that, at this point, the limiting factor is the cartridge, not the table. For example, I had a Benz M0.9 that lacked the dynamics of the Dynavector, but added significant detail. Too bad I broke it.

I will be looking for a Dynavector Karat or Sumiko Blackbird later in the year, as well as a few others to try out.

Now if you were going to upgrade both the table, and cartridge, I can see that. My point is that there is still headroom left with the Scout to offer significant improvement without the expense of an entire new set-up.