VPI Scoutmaster static

I´ve been having problems with static (seem to turn into loud static shocks - only in one channel - when touching anything metallic on my TT; CD player work fine, so it shouldn´t be the speakers or amp) with my VPI Scoutmaster for weeks now, but have not figured out what it really causes and what could I do about it. Bought today zerostat 3 (will arrive in couple of days I hope), I cleaned my TT platter with the help of clearaudio anti static liquid (and also surroundings of my TT), grounded the cable to preamp earth. is there´s anything else I could do? i suppose it´s the best place to ask for advice.

my vinyl system is VPI Scoutmaster (TNT feet, periphery ring and HRX center), Graham Slee Reflex Gold preamp, Sumiko Blackbird (Harmonic Tech and AU24 cables + Audio Analogue integrated amp + Dynaudio Audience 72 speakers) and all sitting on a solid oak rack (on linoleum floor).

Apologies for my English (I´m no native speaker) and if it sounds stupid, i´m just out of ideas and advice is much appreciated.
Waltwalden: since you do have an Ikea and you have tried all or most suggestion's pertaining to grounding the table. Then I would at this time isolate the VPI by separating it from it's Oak rack would be best.
before parting with a rack (that was custom-made, although not really audiophile), do you think would a layer of "something" between the rack and TT could solve the problem (like a layer of anti-static floor vinyl, glass, laquered IKEA shelf etc)? had a VPI on the top of that rack the whole last year without problems. just putting a TT on an IKEA rack would not solve problem either as isolation etc will become issues. next thing is probably a proper wall shelf if i really have to do this, but before parting i will try all other DIY and zerostat 3.
Try rerouting ICs downstream of the phono stage and preamp to be sure they avoid AC or other interference. Though it seems improbable, this can sometimes causes problems with noise from phono source.
Walt if your room humidity is adequate, then I believe that Scifi's solution will work for you; it is an easy fix. I had the same problem also. I tried the Zerostat too. The Zerostat neutralizes static initially, but it builds up again while playing the record. I have a wood body cartrige which does not permit static charge to drain away from the vinyl as it plays. A plastic body cartrige would also do this.

I have no photo to send you (no digital camera - sorry). Just get some stranded conductor wire - very small guage will work for you. Radio Shack is a good source. Ask for stranded 20awg or 22awg wire. (guage number means size of the conductor). It will be about the same size as the arm grounding wire which you should already have connected to your preamp ground post. Any color wire will work; ask for black color wire so it's less visible.

Strip about 3 or 4 inches of insulation off the end of the wire and then wrap the bare wire around the turntable bearing sleeve underneath your turntable. The bearing sleeve is the metal carrier directly underneath the platter center in the middle of the turntable underside. Wrap some tape around the wire to hold it in place, or use a nylon cable tie, also available from Radio Shack store.

Now strip about 1/2 to 3/4 inch of insulation off the other end of the ground wire, which you have cut to a convenient length to reach the preamp ground post. Fasten it there along with the arm ground wire you already have there. It's that simple.

You could also ensure the ground of your electrical power outlet is actually grounded. An inexpensive three-prong tester light will check that for you. Found at hardware stores or probably also available at the Radio Shack.