VPI Scoutmaster Super Platter

I'm wondering if i upgrade to the Super platter for my VPI Scoutmaster will I hear much of an improvement? Will the improvement be small because I'm already using the steel periphery ring and steel spindle weight which adds roughly 13 lbs to the present acryllic platter? Thanks.
I added the Super Platter to my Aries 3 which also had the thick acrylic platter, periphery ring and center weight. I did notice additional reduction of noise floor and blacker background. I wouldn't describe the difference as "huge", but was noticeable.

But now Buconero117 has peaked my curiosity about this aluminum platter. I too think some explanation is in order. Does anyone know more about this? I don't find anything on the website. But there is a conspicuous lack of information about the Super Platter on the website. Maybe it's already pulled?
i asked vpi recently about upgrading my scoutmaster platter to the newer aluminum platter or the super platter. they responded that the aluminum platter was $500 if you return the acrylic platter or $700 if you keep your platter. they stated that the super platter was out of stock, but didn't mention anything about it being discontinued.
Or perhaps a TT Weights copper mat on top of the existing platter, with or without his carbon fiber layer, clamp, and periphery ring system. That adds 4 lbs. of rotating mass, in addition to other beneficial effects. The copper mat improved my TNT.