VPI Tonearm connector wire and record tracking

I have found that the bend in the connector wire from the tonearm to the junction box has a MAJOR influence on the trackability of the tonearm. it has tons to do with how the stylus tracks or SKATES across the record. If this BEND is not in an optimum position (that changes all the time as the tonearm tracks across the record), it will dramatically affect how the arm/stylus tracks the record especially on the inner grooves. I find myself bending this wire back towards the platter as it will bend away away from the platter in time. Has anyone else made this observation? Is their anywhere else this wire could have been located to have lass impact on tracking? It is my observation that the arm would sound much better if this wire were located someplace else.
The VPI arm's wire exits from the front of the unipivot bearing housing and thus has a built in side thrust compensation factor even without the twist of the cable. As the arm travels across the record, the loop is condensed so the natual spring of the cable will push the arm toward the beginning of the record. I imagine the effect is slight however.
I run a Lyra Delos on a VPI 10.5i arm. When I first hooked it up and got it dialed in, it tracked great. After pulling the arm off and disconnecting the Lemco a few times, and tying the Lemco to the arm to keep it from pulling the wires while I worked on it, it needed just a tad of anti-skate. So I hooked the fishing line up with the bare minimum force it would deliver (line and weights close to the pivot) and it's back to tracking perfectly.

I think it's about what Stringreen mentioned, my wire lost its "set" from me fiddling with it too much.

I might be able to fiddle with the wire and make it work, but it's really great as it is. No IGD or sibilance, no jumping grooves, stylus remains clean, VTF on the recommended weight, etc.

I REALLY like this table/arm/cartridge combo, but it was my first uni-pivot. I got used to adjusting it with an inexpensive MM cart with stylus guard (AT440MLa) before installing the Delos. Made setting the Delos up a snap, but undoubtedly flexed the wire many unnecesary cycles.

I sure wouldn't write it off as "limitations of the table" just yet. If you still have any hair you haven't pulled out, then you need to adjust your tonearm until you have pulled out all of your hair. That will get you close.
Tzh21y, last post on this thread. If you're still not pleased with your cartridge/arm performance, I would call Mike at VPI. He knows the JMW uni-pivot arm like the back of his hand. I mentioned above that if you keep fiddling with the arm and wire, you may affect the AS attributes of the wire. That same point was made by Jr w above. So . . . last time -- call Mike!