VPI Traveler and Lyra Delos

Is the Delos overkill on the Traveler? I have a Dynavector 20x2M currently, but I'm keeping an eye out for a replacement sooner rather than later. 

Interesting thread. 

I own a Lyra Kleos which is mounted on an upgraded Classic 3 tonearm and base.  Of course, like most VPI arms, the Classic 3 arm is a unipivot.

Are you saying that VPI unipiovot arms and the Kleos (or Delos) are not a good match? 

Admittedly, I never heard my Kleos on another TT, but it seems to play well.



what is a good match? Everyone will give a different answer based on his experience. I think, it is ok, the Kleos has a different needle than the Delos. the Kleos is more expensive than Delos but inferior  in comparison when you really want to have maximum sonic Performance for given money. The Kleos works way better with cheap Phonostages or average Arms than Delos. The better the analog chain will be the Delos can follow and show something new, Kleos not. From this point of view the Kleos is a good match.


What arms IYO will satisfy the Delos? Would the JMW 10 3D arm of VPI Prime will satisfy it? For reference, my ears are bit sensitive to treble/highs; so definitely no bright or thin carts. 
consider the Audio Technica ART 9. There is an ongoing thread here praising its price/performance against carts over 1k.

I was going to get a Lyra Delos for my VPI Classic, and glad I didn't. Besides saving the $700, I hear everything presented with other 1k carts I've owned. in addition, an overall level of more realistic tone and character NOT heard with others.