VPI Weisline Tonearm cable - Have not found any discussion on this cable

Hello phono heads,
Has anyone in this forum owned the  VPI Weisline Tonearm cable? What's your take? 
My setup: VPI Prime, Kiseki Purple Heart, Herron Audio VTPH-2A. Naturally I would think it should be a good match.
Thanks for your time.

@cdd, did you end up purchasing a new phono cable? If so, what did you get and what are your thoughts on it?

I’m very curious as I have a VPI Signature 21 table, Kiseki Purpleheart NS, and a Herron Audio VTPH-2A.

Hello Hattrick15, I did not. buy the VPI Weisline, instead I purchased the Audience Au 24 SE twice the retail price of the VPI at the time, so far I can't find any negative things to say about it. Can't tell if it's better than the VPI Weisline w/o direct comparison. The Audience is flexible, well built, and most important of all it gives me every ounce of details and excels in dynamics, not a single hint of brightness which I hate probably due to the design nature of VPI turntable.

The first time I scam got scammed it was 3:12 AM when AG sent me a notice that the item I had been tracking in their system, had just been posted. Through the confusion of being under the influence of a sleep aid (I worked late and had to get up early for a morning event) and my desperation to acquire this product, after narrowly missing out previously, the scammer kept invoicing me over and over again and I kept paying. I didn’t realize what was happening. It’s even still in the item history that it sold for a low price multiple times on the same day. This, is ineptitude bordering on incompetence (yeah, mine too, lol).