VTA adjustment for VPI 10.5i tonearm

Do you get best results with the tonearm level with the platter, or with the rear of the arm higher or lower at the pivot? It's difficult to gauge levelness because of the tapered tonearm design. I'm using a Lyra Titan-i cartridge. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by hiendmuse

Thank you both for your suggestions. I'll try sighting along the headshell instead of the armtube.
Thanks again for your responses, all useful information. I started experimenting last night, slightly raising and lowering VTA and listening with a friend. I do not obsess over it, just want to maximize the sound quality for best overall sound quality and leave it there. Small changes can make a difference!
I'll try that. I was making pretty small changes, not nearly as much as you suggested. A large adjustment in VTA can affect VTF, so I'm aware that this has to be checked. Thanks for your input!