I would add the new series of Bel Canto dacs to that list. I just installed the new DAC2.5 into the system as a dac/pre connected via balanced output to my W4S ST500 power amp - I am in absolute awe of this combination. No fuzzy warmth to be found here - just tremendous resolution, space, air (add your choice of audiophile superlatives here) combined with the most relaxed presentation I have ever had in my system. My speakers are the new Gallo Reference Strada monitors with the TR-2 sub. The dac2.5 is an amazing value when you consider its versatility - a state of the art dac with multiple digital inputs AND an analog input, unbalanced and balanced outputs PLUS headphone amp PLUS a full-feautured remote that includes functions such as input naming, phase and balance. Absolutely incredible. BTW, I have no financial interest in the company - this is my first BC purchase and I am just sorry I waited so long - my plan is to eventually replace my W4S amp with the BC Ref monos - not that the W4S is a bad amp but the BCs have an indefinable something that just sounds so right.
For reference, I have owned many dacs over the past several years from MSB, Perpetual Technologies and Musical Fidelity. My last was the Peachtree Decco used as a dac/pre (admittedly a pretty steep step-down from my previous dac and pre-amps). The bel canto is without a doubt one the most satisfying purchases I have made in a very long time.