W4S DAC1 / Stello DA100 / Cary Exciter DAC.

I haven't seen much talk about the Stello. It has every output I could use. I read the 6Moons review on it. Didn't exactly praise it so-to-speak. But for a grand I would expect decent results. I listened to the Cary. Loved it. But I only have it and the Music Hall 25.2 DAC to compare with. I've not heard the W4S DAC1 or 2. That seems to be getting more praise than I'm sure it deserves. Usually I take the band-wagon view when everyone seems to want one thing in particular. But this isn't always a good perspective because it may very well be that good. After all my research these three are what I've narrowed it down to. Well, two if the Stello shouldn't be considered at all. Looks like something geared directly to computer music.

I'm looking for a solid, textured bass response. Excellent clarity and resolution. And of course soundstage. Warmth is not a factor. I will eventually be going all tube so it'll warm up later in the chain. Expression and dynamics are very important. I listen to a lot of classical guitar, contemporary classical, and blues. Thanks for any inputs.
"That seems to be getting more praise than I'm sure it deserves."

i'm considering the w4s dac-1 and wonder what made you come to this conclusion.
I would add the new series of Bel Canto dacs to that list. I just installed the new DAC2.5 into the system as a dac/pre connected via balanced output to my W4S ST500 power amp - I am in absolute awe of this combination. No fuzzy warmth to be found here - just tremendous resolution, space, air (add your choice of audiophile superlatives here) combined with the most relaxed presentation I have ever had in my system. My speakers are the new Gallo Reference Strada monitors with the TR-2 sub. The dac2.5 is an amazing value when you consider its versatility - a state of the art dac with multiple digital inputs AND an analog input, unbalanced and balanced outputs PLUS headphone amp PLUS a full-feautured remote that includes functions such as input naming, phase and balance. Absolutely incredible. BTW, I have no financial interest in the company - this is my first BC purchase and I am just sorry I waited so long - my plan is to eventually replace my W4S amp with the BC Ref monos - not that the W4S is a bad amp but the BCs have an indefinable something that just sounds so right.
For reference, I have owned many dacs over the past several years from MSB, Perpetual Technologies and Musical Fidelity. My last was the Peachtree Decco used as a dac/pre (admittedly a pretty steep step-down from my previous dac and pre-amps). The bel canto is without a doubt one the most satisfying purchases I have made in a very long time.
I have a W4S Dac 1, it's a great unit, and not just for the price. But hey it's only bested every other Dac I've had except my PS PWD, and the PWD is 3 times the price, and sure isn't three times better. There really is a reason everyone who's heard the W4S or bought one is thrilled.