WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Ozzy, me to for referencing it as well. IT has nothing to do with the WA Quantum chips.
Mapman, the difference between a real atom and an artificial one, one grown in the lab, is that the real atom has a real nucleus in the center with real electrons around it, whereas an artificial atom has an empty hole in the center with real electrons around it. The hole has a positive charge. Follow? I work with one of the world's largest nanotechnology companies to obtain the unobtanium.