These chips remind me of the Combak Resonance Devices that were featured back in TAS in Issue 75/76. I bought them at the time, and put them on my JVC XLZ-1010TN player. What a change in the sonics! It seemed to clear up fuzziness from the sound and allowed rhythms, especially prevalent in jazz music, to set the system on fire, figuratively speaking.
It seems that these chips do the same things, only on different components. Has anyone tried them on a CD player yet?
As for the Shakti online stabilizers, I wondered how they could work. The irony is that I've had The Shakti Stones since 1996 and didn't hear what they did back then. Maybe my ears got better as I got older (nope, just a joke. Really, a real joke: I had my hearing tested and my lower treble range is down a bit). Anyway, perhaps it's that I'm better -- much, much better - at setups, because when I finally bought them (I put them on interconnects and my Shunyata speaker cables across the "=" and "-" leads and I can EASily hear their effect, especially instruments in the back of the soundstage.
I'm no longer surprised by any of the so-called tweaks, but a caveat: placing them is not so easy as to simply put them on a component and think that that's the best place. Tube traps are like that: exceedingly small movements, like nudging them along the wall to the right or left, so small you can barely see that you moved them, has effects completely out of proportion to the "nudge." I aver it is the same with anything that affects resonances. My Finite Elemente Spider Rack's rubber dampers position under a preamp is the difference between hearing the sound a flute creates and hearing the body/instrument itself. and these movements are infinitesimal. Anyone moving a tube trap 1/2" is in Tube Trap 101. 1/60" would be more likely and the ones on top of it can be moved in other directions equally small and will shock you that such tiny increments do what they do (and it's NOT all good, to go against the current slang).
I'm impatiently awaiting my Quantum chips (thought they had arrived tonight, but it was the Otterbox for my Droid. Great, but once I saw what it was, I was bummed).
Waiting, waiting, waiting....but I've no doubt they'll bring more magic to the music than I already have.
It seems that these chips do the same things, only on different components. Has anyone tried them on a CD player yet?
As for the Shakti online stabilizers, I wondered how they could work. The irony is that I've had The Shakti Stones since 1996 and didn't hear what they did back then. Maybe my ears got better as I got older (nope, just a joke. Really, a real joke: I had my hearing tested and my lower treble range is down a bit). Anyway, perhaps it's that I'm better -- much, much better - at setups, because when I finally bought them (I put them on interconnects and my Shunyata speaker cables across the "=" and "-" leads and I can EASily hear their effect, especially instruments in the back of the soundstage.
I'm no longer surprised by any of the so-called tweaks, but a caveat: placing them is not so easy as to simply put them on a component and think that that's the best place. Tube traps are like that: exceedingly small movements, like nudging them along the wall to the right or left, so small you can barely see that you moved them, has effects completely out of proportion to the "nudge." I aver it is the same with anything that affects resonances. My Finite Elemente Spider Rack's rubber dampers position under a preamp is the difference between hearing the sound a flute creates and hearing the body/instrument itself. and these movements are infinitesimal. Anyone moving a tube trap 1/2" is in Tube Trap 101. 1/60" would be more likely and the ones on top of it can be moved in other directions equally small and will shock you that such tiny increments do what they do (and it's NOT all good, to go against the current slang).
I'm impatiently awaiting my Quantum chips (thought they had arrived tonight, but it was the Otterbox for my Droid. Great, but once I saw what it was, I was bummed).
Waiting, waiting, waiting....but I've no doubt they'll bring more magic to the music than I already have.