Wadia 301 disc read error

My Wadia 301 is not reading some of the cd's properly. I get a "04" on the display. If I press play it plays the entire disc but I've no control. Other than the STOP button, nothing else works either on the player buttons or the Remote.

I've emailed Wadia and they told me that it could be laser, so after consulting with GNSC, I've the laser replaced by Steve at GNSC but it did not fix the problem.

The interesting thing is that if I copy the cd which 301 have issue into a cd-r using EAC or any cd copying software, the player plays the cd fine, no error, everything works just fine.

Anyone have encountered this problem or know anything about this ?
I had read errors on a 302s brief stay in my system, but to be fair, I have observed that all of the better CDPs have read errors. Presumptiously I would say the proprietary software, but I could be wrong.

Its stay was brief only because it was on loan from a friend and out of my price range. Overall it was an outstanding CDP.
Is it true that all front loading cd player have such problem ?

I mean the operation required the tray to be in & out all of the time.

I think top loading player should be o.k.

Just my opinion.
It could be the software but that does not explain why the software works fine when you copy a original cd to a cdr.

Some are saying that cd's with raised inner center causes the problem but I've seen the error without that too.
Finally have the player back. Had a long conversation with a Wadia technician, they were able to reproduce the error at the end and powering down the unit solve the problem and he wants me to try the same and also isolate the power and connect the player directly to the wall.

I've tried both for last couple of days and powering down the unit works ok but some times I had to power down/power up couple times or so for the unit to clear the eroor and read the disc properly. I don't think power isolation have any effect.

Wadia tech also suggested that I should replace the transport as the disc read error could get worse over time and new transport will get rid of the 95% of the error. But I'm not convinced that is the cause of the error and not sure if I should spend the money for a new transport.